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17 February 2025

Winter League week 16 - 4BBB S/Ford

Mick's Report...

Good Morning

Well its a case of where to start with the report this week, so much going on, on a bitterly cold day on a drying Golf course, but the plus was at least it never rained and the day was clear.

Jones Jug - Matchplay Final

In a keenly fought final the spoils went to the 2 Gentleman above - Ged Burke / Carl North 2n1 - This was after being 4 up with 4 to play, and good old 'Mr Squeaky Bum' made an appearance as their opponents Ian Toole / Steve Waddup made a spirited fightback, but Ged shut the door, locked it and swallowed the Key on the 17th with a par to seal the victory and become the Winners of the 'Coveted' Jones Jug. Congratulations to you Both and commiserations to Ian and Steve.

Winners - Runners-up on the Day

Our Featured View this week is a picture of our winners yesterday Gaz - 'Mexican Border Patrol' (And Gaz is not stood in a Hole) - Waites and Phil 'Roland' Neary, who recorded 46 points 25 Going out and 21 coming Back, great knock that well done gents. We initially had a 3 way Tie for the runners up spot, with 3 pairs on 45 points - Our Kid and Sean, Jimbob and Adam and Immediate Past President Dave M and Ed Jones - Unfortunately when Checking the latter's card, there had been an error, as they had signed for a 3 on the 7th, when in fact it was a 4 - showing the importance of checking each hole before signing the card - the end result was a DQ. This then left the other 2 pairs going to a CPO and Our Kid and Sean came out on top by way of scoring 24 on the back 9, against Jimbob and Adams 22 - well done Ged and Sean.

NP on 1st

Our victor this week was young Jude, who put it to 13ft 11" to book his place in the shoot out final, well done young Man. Myself and Bomber have had a chat about the Shoot out Final, and distribution of the prize money on the day will be published by him over the next week or so.

Phil Mac Raking Bunker With His TrolleyPersonally I was not going to put this in the report, but then I thought about it, thought about who it was and came to the conclusion that if it was me and he was doing this, would he throw me under the bus? Dam right he would!! So for those who may not realise who is raking the Bunker with His Trolley, then it is the Window licker himself, Phil Mac!! The startling thing was the speed at which Willy got his phone out in order to take the Photo, he aint that quick at getting his Wallet out, I can assure you. Please send me any Photo's you can get whilst out there, they all add to the report and of course the banter.







2's - 3 Pairs - Kelly / Kelly - Nash / Owen and Dowling / Ennis - £11.33 Each

League Table

3 Weeks to go and the leaders Holty and Mozzer, have had their lead snipped to 7 points this week, but they did themselves improve by 3 points, whilst Si and Morecambe improved by 4 points. 8 points further back is Hair Flick and Passport2 - but they need a win to challenge the top 2, as do yesterdays losing Finalists Ian and Steve, to make any inroads. In the event of a Tie for the winning spot only then this will be decided by way of countback - Best 13 scores best 12 and so on until a winner can be found.

Over the final 3 weeks the scoring in the formats will result in not many pairs picking up points due to the larger window of points scored - this will make it very interesting, so who can hold their nerve going in to these final weeks - Time will indeed tell

Good luck to you all, Kex.

Download This Weeks Files

Results Week 16
League Table
2's Winnings
Club Account Winnings
Pro Shop Account Winnings
Overall Money list
Jones Jug Final Result

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