Good Day to you all
Well I hope you all had a good Christmas, and glad to be back out on the course playing again - The weather looked to be fine from a couple of Photos I have been sent, which is always a plus when playing at this time of the Year. I understand that there was a little confusion regarding the 7th "Was it a Par 4 or do we play as a Par 3" ? - The answer is we play all holes as per the card (Just like we do with the 6th), and if anybody happens to get a 2 on there, then it will count. Thanks to Mr Bell for again sorting out the cards this week for me as well, it is appreciated.
Winners / Runners-up on the Day
Coming out on Top on Sunday where the Hall Bros, beating Les and Coco into 2nd place by way of a better Back 9 - Well done to both pairs for finishing 2024 on a Golfing high. All Monies owed will be put on account (Office / Pro shop) by the end of this week or the beginning of Next.
Nearest the Pin Winner (Dave is pictured Below)
Well I understand that this was in Jeopardy this morning as the 'Holder and Pink ball' had not been returned to the Pro Shop when used for another event recently played!!! I am sure the person held responsible for their safe keeping apologised profusely to Craig this morning - Thankfully Craig saved the Day by improvising and using his initiative to make sure this went ahead. And one person who was happier than all that it Did was Dave Jolley - who hit a magnificent shot to 10 Inches, which I am sure will now Raise the bar to an unbeatable Standard for nearest overall - unless somebody has a Hole in One - I sure hope you got your 2 Dave, Mr Grumpy would not be happy with you. All £33 in the pot this morning will be credited to your Pro Shop account Dave 👏👏👏
The Best Card Quarter Final line ups are now known after Adler / Davis lost to Jolley / Wilcock - and The Richardsons beat Ennis / Dowling - Please note that the Qtr Final has to be played by / on 26th Jan. The Matchplay KO between Burke / North v Adler Davis finished in the favour of Ged and Carl on the first extra Hole, and they have booked themselves into the Quarter Final. - This now leaves 2 outstanding games, which are scheduled to be played Sunday 5th. Qtr finals of the Matchplay will also have to be played by / on 26th Jan
Kev Contacted me on Monday this week to inform me that he has had a Heart Attack, luckily it was a relatively Mild One, as he had some chest pains and got himself off to A+E, where the diagnosis was made. He has been given strict instructions to get his feet up over the coming weeks and will no doubt be undergoing further tests to find out the reasons. His WL partner Mark Thorneycroft has the option of carrying on with Subs, or just pulling out - but they are still in the KO, and Mark has the choice of playing this Sunday or forfeiting the match, but that aside I am sure I speak for you all in Wishing Kev a speedy recovery and seeing him on the Golf Course again.
I will be heading back up the M5 / M6 tomorrow from Plymouth, but that will be by choice, Unlike Mr Rooney!!!
Enjoy the New Years celebrations whatever you may be doing - and all that is left for me to say is that I wish you and your families a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2025.